Monday, May 14, 2012

The Slow Selling Season & Hot Buying Season

I don't know about you, but things are fairly slow for me this time of year in the selling department, but it's the hot season to buy. Yard sale season is in full swing here in Pennsylvania, and there are a lot of great finds out there! Remember, if you have an eBay store, things sell at all times so don't hold your seasonal merchandise, get it listed.  In the past few months I've sold Halloween, Christmas, winter and summer items.

Right now, if you don't have a lot to ship, it is a great time to look at your older listings that just aren't moving.  A while ago eBay increased the title characters so you have a lot more room for keywords. As I've mentioned before, your title is very important and it's the best way for buyers to find your listing. Use as many characters as you can!  Consider taking some time this week to review your listings and make some title changes for the older ones.  While you're at it, make sure your return policy has been updated too.

On to shopping (my favorite subject), I was at a thrift store today and they were having 50% off linens. I love linens but don't sell older or antique linens since the market dropped on them several years ago. So why was I excited by the sale?  I love to find used or new character bed sheets, especially vintage!  Did you know that crafters use them? They are also used by custom clothing creators.  Not every character sells, and honestly like everything else on eBay, there is no rhyme or reason why some sell and other's don't.  A few weeks ago my friend Wendy from wwbrosky found this vintage Huckleberry Hound sheet for $75!

Other characters to look for include The Smurfs, Peanuts Gang, Star Wars, Super Mario, Gizmo/Gremlins, Sailor Moon, some sports teams, KISS, DC Comics and lots more! When you're shopping, check out the linens too!

Happy Selling,